Dreadlocks at work
If you are going to be looking for work, we suggest you apply at places like record stores and other places you may be more accepted with your locks, or kitchen work where you can tie them back and not be in the public eye. I hate to tell you this: you can start dreads from braids, BUT they will always kind of look like braids. Nope, there is no bad hygiene because you can shower like normal after exercising.
PinoyDreadman all-natural (and sweet-smelling!) products make starting, maintaining and now even REMOVING dreadlocks fast, clean and SO easy. Because of this extreme variance in the many different accounts, PinoyDreadman has chosen to include documentation written by a variety of authors to give an overview of dreadlock origin and history.
10:17 PM | Labels: dread shampoo, dreadlocks cleaning | 0 Comments
Dreadlocks by PinoyDreadman
How to Dreadlocks
Seeing dreadlocks pictures helps you get a better idea of how you want to make dreadlocks for yourself. Dreadlocks history.
8:16 PM | | 0 Comments
Dreadlocks Shampoo byPinoyDreadman
PinoyDreadman Dreads Shampoo Solution
Shampoo for cleaning and maintaining dreads.
Available only at PinoyDreadman.
6:25 PM | Labels: dread shampoo, dreadlocks | 0 Comments
Maintaining Dreadlocks
Neat Dreads
Dreadlocks do not require as much work as normal hair but there are a few things you should do to keep your dreads looking, and smelling nice.
Dreadlocks should be washed every 2 to 3 days. If you do not want to wash them this often that's fine, just make sure you wash them at least once a week. Dreadlocks should be washed in a shampoo that leaves nothing behind in the hair and removes all residue that is in the hair. The best shampoo I've found is the residue free shampoo on the PinoyDreadman site.
"In the first three weeks your dreadlocks be will very delicate and you'll want to wash them about every 6-7 days. After they have had a chance to establish themselves a bit you can begin washing them every 2-3 days.
After you wash them, squeeze the extra water out, then put them in a dry towel (one that doesn't shed) for about 10 minutes. Then let them air dry or dry them with a hair dryer. They also have these nifty hair dryers that have a plastic bag which fills with hot air and dries your dreads faster. These will leave your dreads tight and fluffy.
Only wax your dreads when they're dry. Dry and warm them with a blow dryer while you wax them if possible. This will help the wax settle into the dreads where it does the most good. More wax does not make them dread faster. Only use enough wax to hold loose hairs down. During the first 3 weeks you'll want to keep some wax on the dreads all the time. A little goes a long way, add small amounts at a time and work it in completely before moving on the next dread. Only reapply wax after it has been washed away, you won't need to re-wax every day. After your dreadlocks mature a bit and feel tighter they will need less and less wax. When your dreads start to feel dry work some wax in to moisturize them and prevent breakage.
One routine that works really well is to alternate your maintenance weekly.
Week A you wash, use the accelerator, then palm roll and clockwise rub for a few hours before adding wax.
Week B you wash, use the accelerator, then palm roll and clockwise rub as often as possible, but don't add wax. During the B week your dreads will be a bit frizzy, but frizzy is good for starting new knots. During week B the new knots form, and during week A they work on turning from knots to dreads."
10:17 AM | Labels: dread shampoo, dreadlocks, dreadlocks cleaning | 0 Comments
Dread Works by PinoyDreadman
DreadWorks 4
8:12 AM | Labels: dreadlocks, dreadlocks cleaning, dreadworks | 0 Comments
Dread Works by PinoyDreadman
Dread Works
6:15 AM | Labels: dreadlocks, dreadlocks cleaning, dreadworks | 0 Comments
Bands in Dreadlocks
Bands in Dreadlocks. Dreadlocks rock!
Is there any hairstyle that could rock harder? I think not. Mohawks? Neon dyed hair? These rock, but not like dreadlocks. Dreads just radiate attitude and individuality. You can't attend a good rock show without seeing multitudes of dreads on crazy cats wondering around. Short dreadlocks, long ass dreadlocks, bright pink dreads. (Even The Simpsons had an episode with a cat with dreadlocks, and NOTHING rocks more than the Simpsons!) The rock subculture of North America is inundated with knotty heads of all shapes and sizes. But it is the dreadlocks adorning the musicians themselves that really immortalize the style. It is the dreadlocks on the rock stars of our age that send the ass-kicking factor of dreads through the roof.
I can't remember the first time I saw dreads, but I knew since a young age I had to have them. They looked so knotty and rad. Dreadlocks just stood out as an independent statement that was neither rebellious nor conforming, it wasn't a fashion, yet dreads are so damn styling. And for me, a guitar playing high school boy, dreadlocks seemed to call out to me, in the night, calling my name.
Bob Marley
Obviously, Bob Marley is the dreadlocks adorned rock star of all time. His dreads remain unmatched, his music remains unsurpassed. He is a legend. One thing that is way way cool is that you see the progress and growth of his dreads via his record covers. His first major label album Catch a Fire features a Marley with some baby dreads, and from there they grow, and mature like a mane of pure soul power. His life is a unique ?blessing that is truly a gift from God to the world.?
P.O.D rock. They are everything a great band should be. And more than that, their spiritual nature is a blessing. Their faith is strong, and their message stronger. They make faith in God cool, which is the hardest thing to do in this world (yet the most appropriate thing in the Universe!). Musically, the rock so hard, and surprised everyone with a huge break-through album.
Faith No More

One of my favorite drummers of all time is Mike Bordin of Faith No More. This dreaded drummer is a powerful creative madman. Everyone should listen to Faith No More, they are pure rock music rock! His knotty dreadlocks down to his drum stool, this man pounds his drum set with fierceness. Mike's dreads are almost too long to really whip around while he plays, but they drape down his back like a lionÃs mane. Frankly, he looked super cool. He is/was a big influence on me wanting to get dreadlocks.
Zach De La Rocha
Zack from Rage. What can I say, a revolutionary, an artist, a man for all seasons. But sometimes the whole political angle outshines the music of Rage Against the Machine. But behold, Zack is one of the raddest MCs. His lyrics, his delivery. Fire! And his dreadlocks are super cool. I met him once, too.
Lenny Kravitz

Another phat set of dreadlocks are, or were, Lenny Kravitz's. The first time I saw them was during the Let Love Rule era. Lenny's dreadlocks were almost divine. He epitomized everything being a killer rock star was all about. I felt like I was never a big fan of him, but every single song I have ever heard of his I have really felt it. I really like him. And his dreadlocks look fly with all the vintage guitars and styles he sports. I heard Lenny speak about when his dreads were cut off. He went to his very fine friend and lub of his life Lisa Bonnet's house, and she looked straight into his eyes, and saw something, and told him they had to cut his dreads off today. He said he blew it off, but she was serious. So off they came one day. New Lenny.
One for the ladies, Brandon Boyd of Incubus. Brandon has since cut his locks, like Lenny, but he had his dreadlocks hey-day. Incubus rock, they are a great band. The time signatures, the music shifts, it is all so awesome. Truly a great band that somehow made it through the evil rock machine and got known. I for one am super glad they did. Brandon's dreads rock, but thank goodness the moustache left when the dreads did. Just say no to moustaches.
The super popular group of the sad 'n' angry generation. Great music, but Jon is such a whiner and a terrible lyricist. He is just milking the depressive tendencies of youth, he has no real talent, he just whines it up a lot. Oops, did I say that out loud? But he has dreads that the whole world loves, but Munky has better dreadlocks. Munky really rocks, super great guitar playing. The whole band is really tight and damn heavy. And they all have kooky hair, now that I think about it.
2:22 PM | Labels: bands, dreadlocks | 0 Comments
Dread Works by PinoyDreadman
Dread Works 1
2:55 AM | Labels: dreadlocks, dreadlocks cleaning, dreadworks | 0 Comments
Dread Works by PinoyDreadman
Dread Works 2
2:06 AM | Labels: dreadlocks, dreadlocks cleaning, dreadworks | 0 Comments
Dread Works by PinoyDreadman
Dread Works 3
1:10 AM | Labels: dreadlocks, dreadlocks cleaning, dreadworks | 0 Comments